Out of every 59 children at least ONE of them is on the Autism Spectrum Disorder!!! Do you know what that means? This is a 1.7% increase from 2016 of 1 in 68. Not only autism awareness is key but also taking action at an early age.
We need to insure that we have the trained specialists, (Occupational therapist, ABA specialists, Speech language pathologists, special educators, developmental pediatricians, pediatric neurologists, etc) as well as proper programs, education facilities, transitioning programs and work programs to assist in creating an atmosphere of independence and community acceptance for these children. I can only imagine the number here in The Bahamas!!! If we are not prepared to address our healthcare system, educational system and social welfare system to meet the needs of these children, we are heading down a very rocky and jagged road!!!!
I found this article interesting and quite true. I don’t think most teachers and parents realize how great of an impact play has on the overall development of children. In fact, children learn through play. A child’s play is like an adult going to work. I am not surprise that sensory issues are increasing in children at all. In fact, I’m witnessing the increase in The Bahamas.
More and more children are experiencing difficulties in attending to task, transitioning skills, tolerating touch and oral textures and other issues because purposeful play isn’t incorporated into their daily tasks.
We expect children to sit at a desk all day and not move! We expect them to listen to and follow commands like robots. We don’t realize that spinning, jumping, climbing and other movements facilitate a sensory threshold needed to calm our bodies and minds in order to listen, sit still and follow commands.
Food for thought!!!!!